Source code for paprica.batcher

Submodule containing classes and functions relative to **batch processing**.

This submodule introduce the notion of multichannel acquisition which can be either the folder structure resulting
from a given microscope acquisition or a converted acquisition (usually living in the original acquisition folder).

The default (converted) folder is saved in the first acquisition folder with the following structure:


By using this code you agree to the terms of the software license agreement.

© Copyright 2020 Wyss Center for Bio and Neuro Engineering – All rights reserved

import os
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
from import imread, imsave
from glob import glob
import pyapr

import paprica

[docs]class multiChannelAcquisition():
[docs] def __init__(self, path): """ Class to store a multichannel acquisition. 3 cases can occur: - Only APR data is available (e.g. raw data was deleted) then tiles_list is None and conversion can't be done anymore. - APR data is not available (e.g. conversion was never done) then tiles_apr is None until conversion is done and stitching and reconstructions are not possible. - Both APR and raw data are available. Parameters ---------- path: str path to folder containing the acquisition. """ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'ch0')): self.path = None self.acq_type = 'apr' self.path_apr = path else: self.path = path self.is_apr_available = os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'APR')) self.acq_type = self._get_acq_type() if self.is_apr_available: print('\nAPR available.') self.path_apr = os.path.join(path, 'APR') self.tiles_list, self.tiles_list_apr = self._get_tiles_list() self.n_channels = len(self.tiles_list) if self.tiles_list is not None else len(self.tiles_list_apr) if self.tiles_list is not None: self.overlap_v, self.overlap_h = self.tiles_list[0].get_overlap()
[docs] def convert_all_channels(self, Ip_method='black_corner', Ip=None, force_convert=False, rel_error=0.2, gradient_smoothing=2, dx=1, dy=1, dz=1, lazy_loading=True, tree_mode='mean'): """ Function to convert all the channel to APR. The intensity threshold `Ip_th` is automatically determined using the provided method or passed as a list. Parameters ---------- Ip_method: str Method to compute Ip_th automatically Ip: list List of Ip_th to be used for the conversion rel_error: float in [0, 1[ relative error bound gradient_smoothing: (float) B-Spline smoothing parameter (typically between 0 (no smoothing) and 10 (LOTS of smoothing) dx: float PSF size in x, used to compute the gradient dy: float PSF size in y, used to compute the gradient dz: float PSF size in z, used to compute the gradient lazy_loading: bool if lazy_loading is true then the converter save mean tree particle which are necessary for lazy loading of the APR. It will require about 1/7 more storage. tree_mode: str ('mean' or 'max') controls how downsampled particles are computed. Either the mean or the max is taken. Returns ------- None """ for i, tiles in enumerate(self.tiles_list): # Safely create folder to save apr data folder_apr = os.path.join(self.path, 'APR', 'ch{}'.format( Path(folder_apr).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for tile in tiles: if force_convert or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder_apr, '{}_{}.apr'.format(tile.row, tile.col))): # Either fetch Ip_th or automatically compute it if Ip is not None: Ip_th = Ip[i] else: Ip_th = self._get_Ip_th(tiles, method=Ip_method) tile.load_tile() # Set parameters par = pyapr.APRParameters() par.Ip_th = Ip_th par.rel_error = rel_error par.dx = dx par.dy = dy = dz par.gradient_smoothing = gradient_smoothing par.auto_parameters = True # Convert tile to APR and save apr = pyapr.APR() parts = pyapr.ShortParticles() converter = pyapr.converter.FloatConverter() converter.set_parameters(par) converter.verbose = True converter.get_apr(apr, parts.sample_image(apr, if lazy_loading: if tree_mode == 'mean': tree_parts = pyapr.tree.fill_tree_mean(apr, parts) elif tree_mode == 'max': tree_parts = pyapr.tree.fill_tree_max(apr, parts) else: tree_parts = None # Save converted data filename = '{}_{}.apr'.format(tile.row, tile.col), filename), apr, parts, tree_parts=tree_parts) else: print('Tile {}_{}.apr already exists, it will not be converted. If you want to force the ' 'conversion please use ''force_convert'' flag'.format(tile.row, tile.col)) self.is_apr_available = True self.path_apr = os.path.join(self.path, 'APR') self.tiles_list_apr = [paprica.tileParser(f, ftype='apr', verbose=False) for f in sorted(glob(os.path.join(self.path_apr, 'ch*/')))]
[docs] def stitch_acq(self, channel): """ Stitch the acquisition using the given channel. Parameters ---------- channel: int Channel to compute the stitching on. Returns ------- None """ if self.tiles_list_apr is None: raise TypeError('Error: APR data not available, convert data before stitching.') tiles = self.tiles_list_apr[channel] stitcher = paprica.tileStitcher(tiles, overlap_h=self.overlap_h, overlap_v=self.overlap_v) tile = tiles[0] tile.lazy_load_tile(level_delta=0) z = int(tile.lazy_data.shape[0] / 2) stitcher.set_z_range(z_begin=z-50, z_end=z+50) stitcher.set_overlap_margin(margin=10) stitcher.compute_registration() stitcher.save_database(os.path.join(self.path, 'registration_results.csv')) self.database = stitcher.database self.stitcher = stitcher
[docs] def reconstruct_3D_all_channels(self, downsample=16): """ Reconstruct all channels in 3D at a lower resolution. Reconstructions are saved in the same folder as the APR data. Parameters ---------- downsample: int downsample factor to use for the reconstruction. Returns ------- None """ if self.tiles_list_apr is None: raise TypeError('Error: APR data not available, convert data before reconstruction.') for tiles in self.tiles_list_apr: merger = paprica.stitcher.tileMerger(tiles, self.database) merger.set_downsample(downsample) merger.merge_max() imsave(os.path.join(tiles.path, '3D_reconstruction.tif'), merger.merged_data)
[docs] def _get_tiles_list(self): """ Function to get the list of tiles (one tileParser object for each channel) for raw, APR or both. Returns ------- tiles_list: list list containing the `tileLoader` objects for each channel for the raw data tiles_list: list list containing the `tileLoader` objects for each channel for the APR data """ if self.acq_type == 'apr': tiles_list_apr = [paprica.tileParser(f, ftype='apr') for f in sorted(glob(os.path.join(self.path_apr, 'ch*/')))] tiles_list = None elif not self.is_apr_available: tiles_list = [paprica.autoParser(self.path, channel=x) for x in range(paprica.parser.get_number_of_channels(self.path))] tiles_list_apr = None else: tiles_list_apr = [paprica.tileParser(f, ftype='apr', verbose=False) for f in sorted(glob(os.path.join(self.path_apr, 'ch*/')))] tiles_list = [paprica.autoParser(self.path, channel=x) for x in range(paprica.parser.get_number_of_channels(self.path))] return tiles_list, tiles_list_apr
[docs] def _get_acq_type(self): """ Get the acquisition type (type of microscope used to acquire the data). If acquisition type is APR it means that the raw data is not available. Returns ------- tiles.type: str microscope used to acquire the data """ tiles = paprica.autoParser(self.path, verbose=False) return tiles.type
[docs] def _get_Ip_th(self, tiles, method): """ Function to compute the intensity threshold value (Ip_th) automatically. Parameters ---------- tiles: paprica.parser.tileParser tileParser object to compute Ip_th for. method: str method to compute Ip_th automatically: - 'black_corner': compute Ip_th as the mean of the first tile in the top left corner (50 x 50 pixels). This methods works if there is no signal in the top left part of the acquisition (which is usually the case). Returns ------- The intensity threshold computed using the given method. """ if method == 'black_corner': u = imread(sorted(glob(tiles.path_list[0] + '*.tif'))[0]) return int(np.mean(u[:50, :50])) else: raise ValueError('Error: unknown method for computing Ip_th')
def __getitem__(self, item): if self.is_apr_available: return self.tiles_list_apr[item] else: return self.tiles_list[item]