Source code for paprica.runner

Submodule containing classes and functions relative to the running pipeline.

By using this code you agree to the terms of the software license agreement.

© Copyright 2020 Wyss Center for Bio and Neuro Engineering – All rights reserved

import os
import re
import warnings
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
from time import sleep

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pyapr
import seaborn as sns
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.sparse.csgraph import minimum_spanning_tree, depth_first_order
from skimage.exposure import rescale_intensity
from skimage.filters import gaussian
from skimage.color import hsv2rgb
from tqdm import tqdm

import paprica
from paprica.stitcher import _get_max_proj_apr, _get_proj_shifts, _get_masked_proj_shifts

[docs]class clearscopeRunningPipeline():
[docs] def __init__(self, path, n_channels, output_path=None): """ Constructor for the clearscopeRunningPipeline. Parameters ---------- path: str Path of the acquisition. It has to be the acquisition folder (root of /0001/ folder). n_channels: int Number of channels that will be acquired. This will be parsed/guessed in the future. """ # runningPipeline attributes self.path = os.path.join(path, '0001') if output_path is None: self.output_path = self.path else: self.output_path = output_path # self.folder_settings = self.path self.folder_settings = path self.name_acq = os.path.basename(path) # self.folder_settings, self.name_acq = os.path.split(path) self.frame_size = 2048 self.n_channels = n_channels self.tile_processed = 0 self.type = 'clearscope' self.current_tile = 1 self.current_channel = 0 # Parsing acquisition parameters self.acq_param = None self.nrow = None self.ncol = None self.n_planes = None self.overlap_v = None self.overlap_h = None self._parse_acquisition_settings() self.n_tiles = self.nrow * self.ncol self.projs = np.empty((self.nrow, self.ncol), dtype=object) # # # Viewer initialisation # if viewer: # self.viewer = napari.Viewer() # # else: # self.viewer = None # Converter attributes self.converter = None self.lazy_loading = None self.compression = False = None self.quantization_factor = None self.folder_apr = None # Stitcher attributes self.rows = [] self.cols = [] self.paths_apr = [] self.stitcher = None self.n_vertex = self.n_tiles self.folder_max_projs = None self.mask = False self.threshold = None self.segment = False self.segmenter = None self.reg_x = int(self.frame_size*0.05) self.reg_y = int(self.frame_size*0.05) self.reg_z = 20 self.z_begin = None self.z_end = None self.cgraph_from = [] self.cgraph_to = [] self.relia_H = [] self.relia_V = [] self.relia_D = [] self.dH = [] self.dV = [] self.dD = [] # Attributes below are set when the corresponding method are called. self.registration_map_rel = None self.registration_map_abs = None self.ctree_from_H = None self.ctree_from_V = None self.ctree_from_D = None self.ctree_to_H = None self.ctree_to_V = None self.ctree_to_D = None self.min_tree_H = None self.min_tree_V = None self.min_tree_D = None self.graph_relia_H = None self.graph_relia_V = None self.graph_relia_D = None self.database = None
[docs] def run(self): """ Start the running pipeline. It is basically a loop waiting for each tile to be saved at the specified path. Returns ------- None """ while self.tile_processed < self.n_tiles*self.n_channels: is_available, tile = self._is_new_tile_available() if is_available: print('\nNew tile available: {}\nrow: {}\ncol {}\nchannel {}'.format(tile.path, tile.row, tile.col, # We check if the APR file is already available (e.g. something crashed and we restart the pipeline) apr, parts = self._check_for_apr_file(tile) if apr is None: tile.load_tile() # Convert tile if self.converter is not None: self._convert_to_apr(tile) self._check_conversion(tile) else: tile.apr = apr = parts if self.stitcher is True: self._pre_stitch(tile) self._update_next_tile() self.tile_processed += 1 else: sleep(1) if self.stitcher: self._build_sparse_graphs() self._optimize_sparse_graphs() _, _ = self._produce_registration_map() self._build_database() self._print_info() self.database.to_csv(os.path.join(self.folder_apr, 'ch{}'.format(self.stitched_channel), 'registration_results.csv')) self.tiles = paprica.tileParser(os.path.join(self.folder_apr, 'ch{}'.format(self.stitched_channel)))
[docs] def activate_conversion(self, Ip_th=108, rel_error=0.2, gradient_smoothing=2, dx=1, dy=1, dz=1, lazy_loading=True): """ Activate conversion for the running pipeline. Parameters ---------- Ip_th: int Intensity threshold rel_error: float in [0, 1[ relative error bound gradient_smoothing: (float) B-Spline smoothing parameter (typically between 0 (no smoothing) and 10 (LOTS of smoothing) dx: float PSF size in x, used to compute the gradient dy: float PSF size in y, used to compute the gradient dz: float PSF size in z, used to compute the gradient lazy_loading: bool if lazy_loading is true then the converter save mean tree particle which are necessary for lazy loading of the APR. It will require about 1/7 more storage. Returns ------- None """ # Store parameters self.lazy_loading = lazy_loading # Safely create folder to save apr data for i in range(self.n_channels): self.folder_apr = os.path.join(self.output_path, 'APR') Path(os.path.join(self.folder_apr, 'ch{}'.format(i))).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Set parameters par = pyapr.APRParameters() par.Ip_th = Ip_th par.rel_error = rel_error par.dx = dx par.dy = dy = dz par.gradient_smoothing = gradient_smoothing par.auto_parameters = True # Create converter object self.converter = pyapr.converter.FloatConverter() self.converter.set_parameters(par) self.converter.verbose = True
[docs] def set_compression(self, quantization_factor=1, bg=108): """ Activate B3D compression for saving tiles. Parameters ---------- quantization_factor: int quantization factor: the higher, the more compressed (refer to B3D paper for more detail). bg: int background value: any value below this threshold will be set to the background value. This helps save up space by having the same value for the background (refer to B3D paper for more details). Returns ------- None """ self.compression = True = bg self.quantization_factor = quantization_factor
[docs] def deactivate_compression(self): """ Deactivate B3D compression when saving particles. Returns ------- None """ self.compression = False = None self.quantization_factor = None
[docs] def activate_stitching(self, channel): """ Activate stitching the data for the running pipeline. Stitching the data consists in: 1) Computing the maximum intensity projections for each side that will have a neighboring tile once a tile is completely acquired 2) Once a neighboring tile is available and the maximum intensity projections have been computed for this tile, estimate the pairwise registration parameters, saving the results in a graph for each dimension, along with the reliability of the estimation. 3) Globaly optimize at the end to find the optimal tile placement. Parameters ---------- channel: int Number of the channel to perform the stitching on. Returns ------- None """ self.stitcher = True self.stitched_channel = channel # Safely create folder to save max projs self.folder_max_projs = os.path.join(self.output_path, 'max_projs') Path(os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, 'ch{}'.format(channel))).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
[docs] def set_regularization(self, reg_x, reg_y, reg_z): """ Set the regularization for the stitching to prevent aberrant displacements. Parameters ---------- reg_x: int if the horizontal displacement computed in the pairwise registration for any tile is greater than reg_x (in pixel unit) then the expected displacement (from motor position) is taken. reg_y: int if the horizontal displacement computed in the pairwise registration for any tile is greater than reg_z (in pixel unit) then the expected displacement (from motor position) is taken. reg_z: int if the horizontal displacement computed in the pairwise registration for any tile is greater than reg_z (in pixel unit) then the expected displacement (from motor position) is taken. Returns ------- None """ self.reg_x = reg_x self.reg_y = reg_y self.reg_z = reg_z
[docs] def set_z_range(self, z_begin, z_end): """ Set a range of depth fo computing the stitching. Parameters ---------- z_begin: int first depth to be included in the max-proj z_end: int last depth to be included in the max-proj Returns ------- None """ self.z_begin = z_begin self.z_end = z_end
[docs] def set_overlap_margin(self, margin): """ Modify the overlaping area size. If the overlaping area is smaller than the true one, the stitching can't be performed properly. If the overlaping area area is more than twice the size of the true one it will also fail (due to the circular FFT in the phase cross correlation). Parameters ---------- margin: float safety margin in % to take the overlaping area. Returns ------- None """ if margin > 45: raise ValueError('Error: overlap margin is too big and will make the stitching fail.') if margin < 1: raise ValueError('Error: overlap margin is too small and may make the stitching fail.') self.overlap_h = int(self.expected_overlap_h*(1+margin/100)) if self.expected_overlap_h > self.frame_size: self.expected_overlap_h = self.frame_size self.overlap_v = int(self.expected_overlap_v*(1+margin/100)) if self.expected_overlap_v > self.frame_size: self.expected_overlap_v = self.frame_size
[docs] def reconstruct_slice(self, loc=None, n_proj=0, dim=0, downsample=1, color=False, debug=False, plot=True, progress_bar=True): """ Reconstruct whole sample 2D section at the given location and in a given dimension. This function can also reconstruct a maximum intensity projection if `n_proj>0`. Parameters ---------- loc: int (default: middle of the sample) Position of the plane where the reconstruction should be done. The location varies depending on the downsample parameter and should be adapted. n_proj: int (default: 0) Number of planes to perform the maximum intensity projection. dim: int (default: 0) Dimension of the reconstruction, e.g. 0 will be [y, x] plane (orthogonal to z). downsample: int (default: 1) Downsample factor for the reconstruction. Must be in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]. color: bool (default: False) Option to reconstruct with checkerboard color pattern. Useful to identify doubling artifacts. debug: bool (default: False) Option to add a white square for each tile, making it easy to see overlapping areas. plot: bool (default: True) Define if the function plots the results with Matplotlib or just returns an array. Returns ------- _: ndarray Array containing the reconstructed data. """ if dim == 0: return self._reconstruct_z_slice(z=loc, n_proj=n_proj, downsample=downsample, color=color, debug=debug, plot=plot, progress_bar=True) elif dim == 1: return self._reconstruct_y_slice(y=loc, n_proj=n_proj, downsample=downsample, color=color, debug=debug, plot=plot, progress_bar=True) elif dim == 2: return self._reconstruct_x_slice(x=loc, n_proj=n_proj, downsample=downsample, color=color, debug=debug, plot=plot, progress_bar=True)
[docs] def reconstruct_z_color(self, z=None, n_proj=0, downsample=1, debug=False, plot=True, progress_bar=True): """ Reconstruct and merge the sample at a given depth z. Parameters ---------- z: int reconstruction depth downsample: int downsample for reconstruction (must be a power of 2) debug: bool if true the border of each tile will be highlighted Returns ------- merged_data: ndarray Merged frame at depth z. """ level_delta = int(-np.sign(downsample) * np.log2(np.abs(downsample))) tile = self.tiles[0] tile.lazy_load_tile(level_delta=level_delta) if z is None: z = int(tile.lazy_data.shape[0] / 2) if z > tile.lazy_data.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Error: z is too large ({}), maximum depth at this downsample is {}.'.format(z, tile.lazy_data.shape[ 0])) frame_size = tile.lazy_data.shape[1:] x_pos = self.database['ABS_H'].to_numpy() nx = int(np.ceil((x_pos.max() - x_pos.min()) / downsample + frame_size[1])) y_pos = self.database['ABS_V'].to_numpy() ny = int(np.ceil((y_pos.max() - y_pos.min()) / downsample + frame_size[0])) H = np.zeros((ny, nx), dtype='uint16') S = np.ones((ny, nx), dtype='uint16') * 0.7 V = np.zeros((ny, nx), dtype='uint16') H_pos = (x_pos - x_pos.min()) / downsample V_pos = (y_pos - y_pos.min()) / downsample for i, tile in enumerate(tqdm(self.tiles, desc='Merging', disable=not progress_bar)): tile.lazy_load_tile(level_delta=level_delta) zf = min(z + n_proj, tile.lazy_data.shape[0]) data = tile.lazy_data[z:zf] v = data.max(axis=0) h = np.argmax(data, axis=0) # In debug mode we highlight each tile edge to see where it was if debug: v[0, :] = 2 ** 16 - 1 v[-1, :] = 2 ** 16 - 1 v[:, 0] = 2 ** 16 - 1 v[:, -1] = 2 ** 16 - 1 x1 = int(H_pos[i]) x2 = int(H_pos[i] + v.shape[1]) y1 = int(V_pos[i]) y2 = int(V_pos[i] + v.shape[0]) V[y1:y2, x1:x2] = np.maximum(V[y1:y2, x1:x2], v) H[y1:y2, x1:x2] = np.maximum(H[y1:y2, x1:x2], h) H = rescale_intensity(gaussian(H, sigma=5), out_range=np.float64) * 0.66 V = np.log(V + 200) vmin, vmax = np.percentile(V[V > np.log(100)], (1, 99.9)) V = rescale_intensity(V, in_range=(vmin, vmax), out_range=np.float64) S = S * V rgb = hsv2rgb(np.dstack((H, S, V))) rescale_intensity(rgb, out_range='uint8') if plot: plt.figure() plt.imshow(rgb) return rgb
[docs] def _reconstruct_z_slice(self, z=None, n_proj=0, downsample=1, color=False, debug=False, plot=True, progress_bar=True): """ Reconstruct and merge the sample at a given depth z. Parameters ---------- z: int reconstruction depth (vary with downsample) n_proj: int (default: 0) Number of planes to perform the maximum intensity projection. dim: int (default: 0) Dimension of the reconstruction, e.g. 0 will be [y, x] plane (orthogonal to z). downsample: int (default: 1) Downsample factor for the reconstruction. Must be in [1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32]. color: bool (default: False) Option to reconstruct with checkerboard color pattern. Useful to identify doubling artifacts. debug: bool (default: False) Option to add a white square for each tile, making it easy to see overlapping areas. plot: bool (default: True) Define if the function plots the results with Matplotlib or just returns an array. seg: bool (default: False) Option to also reconstruct the segmentation. Only works with `dim=0` Returns ------- merged_data: ndarray Merged frame at depth z. """ level_delta = int(-np.sign(downsample) * np.log2(np.abs(downsample))) tile = self.tiles[0] tile.lazy_load_tile(level_delta=level_delta) if z is None: z = int(tile.lazy_data.shape[0] / 2) if z > tile.lazy_data.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Error: z is too large ({}), maximum depth at this downsample is {}.'.format(z, tile.lazy_data.shape[ 0])) frame_size = tile.lazy_data.shape[1:] x_pos = self.database['ABS_H'].to_numpy() nx = int(np.ceil((x_pos.max() - x_pos.min()) / downsample + frame_size[1])) y_pos = self.database['ABS_V'].to_numpy() ny = int(np.ceil((y_pos.max() - y_pos.min()) / downsample + frame_size[0])) if color: merged_data = np.ones((ny, nx, 3), dtype='uint16') merged_data[:, :, 2] = 0 else: merged_data = np.zeros((ny, nx), dtype='uint16') for i, tile in enumerate(tqdm(self.tiles, desc='Merging', disable=not progress_bar)): H_pos = self.database.query('row=={} & col=={}'.format(tile.row, tile.col))['ABS_H'] / downsample V_pos = self.database.query('row=={} & col=={}'.format(tile.row, tile.col))['ABS_V'] / downsample tile.lazy_load_tile(level_delta=level_delta) zf = min(z + n_proj, tile.lazy_data.shape[0]) if zf > z: data = tile.lazy_data[z:zf].max(axis=0) else: data = tile.lazy_data[z] # In debug mode we highlight each tile edge to see where it was if debug: xv = int(self.expected_overlap_v/downsample) xh = int(self.expected_overlap_h/downsample) data[xv, xh:-xh] = 2**16-1 data[-xv, xh:-xh] = 2**16-1 data[xv:-xv, xh] = 2**16-1 data[xv:-xv, -xh] = 2**16-1 x1 = int(H_pos) x2 = int(H_pos + data.shape[1]) y1 = int(V_pos) y2 = int(V_pos + data.shape[0]) if color: if tile.col % 2: if tile.row % 2: merged_data[y1:y2, x1:x2, 0] = np.maximum(merged_data[y1:y2, x1:x2, 1], data) else: merged_data[y1:y2, x1:x2, 1] = np.maximum(merged_data[y1:y2, x1:x2, 0], data) else: if tile.row % 2: merged_data[y1:y2, x1:x2, 1] = np.maximum(merged_data[y1:y2, x1:x2, 1], data) else: merged_data[y1:y2, x1:x2, 0] = np.maximum(merged_data[y1:y2, x1:x2, 0], data) else: merged_data[y1:y2, x1:x2] = np.maximum(merged_data[y1:y2, x1:x2], data) if plot: plt.figure() if color: plt.imshow(self._process_RGB_for_display(merged_data)) else: plt.imshow(np.log(merged_data), cmap='gray') return merged_data
[docs] def _check_for_apr_file(self, tile): """ Check if a given APR file already exists at a given location. Parameters ---------- tile: pipapr.loader.tileLoader tileLoader object Returns ------- apr, parts: pypapr.APR, pyapr.ParticleData tuple containing APR and particles if found or (None, None) if not found. """ apr_path = os.path.join(self.folder_apr, 'ch{}'.format(, '{}_{}.apr'.format(tile.row, tile.col)) if os.path.exists(apr_path): apr, parts = print('Tile {}_{}.apr already exists!'.format(tile.row, tile.col)) return apr, parts else: return None, None
[docs] def _parse_acquisition_settings(self): """ Function that parses the setting txt file created by cleascope software at the begining of the acquisition and automatically extract the required parameters for the running pipeline to work. Returns ------- None """ print('Waiting for AcquireSettings.txt file in {}'. format(os.path.join(self.folder_settings, '{}_AcquireSettings.txt'.format(self.name_acq)))) files = glob(os.path.join(self.folder_settings, '{}_AcquireSettings.txt'.format(self.name_acq))) # files = glob(os.path.join(self.folder_settings, '*.ini')) while files == []: sleep(1) files = glob(os.path.join(self.folder_settings, '{}_AcquireSettings.txt'.format(self.name_acq))) path = files[0] print('File found: {}'.format(path)) with open(path) as f: lines = f.readlines() self.acq_param = {} for l in lines: pattern_matched = re.match(r'^(\w*) = (\S*)', l) if pattern_matched is not None: if self.acq_param[] = float( elif == 'True': self.acq_param[] = True elif == 'False': self.acq_param[] = False else: self.acq_param[] = self.nrow = int(self.acq_param['ScanGridY']) self.ncol = int(self.acq_param['ScanGridX']) self.n_planes =int(self.acq_param['StackDepths']) self.expected_overlap_v = int(self.acq_param['VSThrowAwayYBottom']*2) self.expected_overlap_h = int(self.acq_param['VSThrowAwayXRight']*2) self.overlap_h = int(self.expected_overlap_h*1.2) if self.expected_overlap_h > self.frame_size: self.expected_overlap_h = self.frame_size self.overlap_v = int(self.expected_overlap_v*1.2) if self.expected_overlap_v > self.frame_size: self.expected_overlap_v = self.frame_size print('\nAcquisition parameters:' '\n- number of row: {}' '\n- number of col: {}' '\n- number of planes: {}' '\n- number of channels: {}' '\n- horizontal overlap: {:0.2f}%' '\n- vertical overlap: {:0.2f}%' .format(self.nrow, self.ncol, self.n_planes, self.n_channels, self.expected_overlap_h/self.frame_size*100, self.expected_overlap_v/self.frame_size*100))
[docs] def _is_new_tile_available(self): """ Checks if a new tile is available for processing. Returns ------- is_available: bool True if a new tile is available, False otherwise tile: tileLoader tile object is available, None otherwise """ expected_tile = os.path.join(self.path, '000000_{:06d}___{}c/'.format(self.current_tile, self.current_channel)) path = glob(expected_tile) if path == []: return False, None elif len(path) == 1: # Store current tile coordinate files = glob(os.path.join(expected_tile, '*.tif')) if len(files) < self.n_planes: return False, None else: tile = self._get_tile(expected_tile) return True, tile else: raise TypeError('Error: multiple tiles were found.')
[docs] def _get_row_col(self, path): """ Get ClearScope tile row and col position given the tile path. Parameters ---------- path: str ClearScope tile path Returns ------- row, col: (int, int) row and col numbers """ pattern_search = re.findall(r'\d{6}_(\d{6})___\dc', path) if pattern_search != []: n = int(pattern_search[0]) col = np.absolute(np.mod(n - self.ncol - 1, 2 * self.ncol) - self.ncol + 0.5) + 0.5 row = np.ceil(n / self.ncol) col = int(col-1) row = int(row-1) return row, col
[docs] def _get_channel(self, path): """ Get channel from Clearscope tile path. Parameters ---------- path: str Clearscope tile path Returns ------- _: int Channel number """ pattern_search = re.findall(r'\d{6}_\d{6}___(\d)c', path) if pattern_search != []: return int(pattern_search[0])
[docs] def _update_next_tile(self): """ Update next tile coordinates given the expected pattern. Returns ------- None """ if self.current_channel == self.n_channels-1: self.current_tile += 1 self.current_channel = 0 else: self.current_channel += 1
[docs] def _get_tile(self, path): """ Returns the tile at the given path. Parameters ---------- path: string tile path Returns ------- tile: tileLoader tile object """ row, col = self._get_row_col(path) channel = self._get_channel(path) # If row is even then neighbors are west and north if row % 2 == 0: # If first row then it is only west if row == 0: if col > 0: neighbors = [[row, col - 1]] else: neighbors = None # Else it is also north else: if col > 0: neighbors = [[row, col - 1], [row - 1, col]] # Except for first column it is only north else: neighbors = [[row - 1, col]] # If row is odd then neighbors are north and east else: if col < self.ncol-1: neighbors = [[row - 1 , col], [row, col + 1]] # If last column then there is no east neighbor else: neighbors = [[row - 1 , col]] if channel == self.stitched_channel: self.rows.append(row) self.cols.append(col) filename = '{}_{}.apr'.format(row, col) self.paths_apr.append(os.path.join(self.folder_apr, 'ch{}'.format(channel), filename)) return paprica.loader.tileLoader(path=path, row=row, col=col, ftype=self.type, neighbors=neighbors, neighbors_tot=None, neighbors_path=None, frame_size=2048, folder_root=self.path, channel=channel)
[docs] def _pre_stitch(self, tile): """ Perform pre-stitching, i.e. perform maximum intensity projection of the tile and register with available neighbors. Parameters ---------- tile: pipapr.loader.tileLoader tileLoader object containing the tile to perform the pre-stitiching on. Returns ------- None """ if == self.stitched_channel: # Max project current tile on the overlaping area. self._project_tile(tile) # Compute pair-wise registration with existing neighbors if tile.neighbors is not None: self._register_tile(tile)
[docs] def _register_tile(self, tile): """ Perform pair-wise registration of a given tile with all its previously processed neighbors. Parameters ---------- tile: pipapr.loader.tileLoader tileLoader object containing the tile to perform the pre-stitiching on. Returns ------- None """ proj1 = self.projs[tile.row, tile.col] for coords in tile.neighbors: proj2 = self.projs[coords[0], coords[1]] if tile.row == coords[0]: if tile.col < coords[1]: # EAST if self.mask: reg, rel = _get_masked_proj_shifts(proj1['east'], proj2['west'], threshold=self.threshold) else: reg, rel = _get_proj_shifts(proj1['east'], proj2['west']) self.cgraph_from.append(np.ravel_multi_index([tile.row, tile.col], dims=(self.nrow, self.ncol))) self.cgraph_to.append(np.ravel_multi_index([coords[0], coords[1]], dims=(self.nrow, self.ncol))) else: # WEST if self.mask: reg, rel = _get_masked_proj_shifts(proj2['east'], proj1['west'], threshold=self.threshold) else: reg, rel = _get_proj_shifts(proj2['east'], proj1['west']) self.cgraph_to.append(np.ravel_multi_index([tile.row, tile.col], dims=(self.nrow, self.ncol))) self.cgraph_from.append(np.ravel_multi_index([coords[0], coords[1]], dims=(self.nrow, self.ncol))) elif tile.col == coords[1]: if tile.row < coords[0]: # SOUTH if self.mask: reg, rel = _get_masked_proj_shifts(proj1['south'], proj2['north'], threshold=self.threshold) else: reg, rel = _get_proj_shifts(proj1['south'], proj2['north']) self.cgraph_from.append(np.ravel_multi_index([tile.row, tile.col], dims=(self.nrow, self.ncol))) self.cgraph_to.append(np.ravel_multi_index([coords[0], coords[1]], dims=(self.nrow, self.ncol))) else: # NORTH if self.mask: reg, rel = _get_masked_proj_shifts(proj2['south'], proj1['north'], threshold=self.threshold) else: reg, rel = _get_proj_shifts(proj2['south'], proj1['north']) self.cgraph_to.append(np.ravel_multi_index([tile.row, tile.col], dims=(self.nrow, self.ncol))) self.cgraph_from.append(np.ravel_multi_index([coords[0], coords[1]], dims=(self.nrow, self.ncol))) else: raise TypeError('Error: couldn''t determine registration to perform.') # Regularize in case of aberrant displacements reg, rel = self._regularize(reg, rel) # H=x, V=y, D=z self.dH.append(reg[2]) self.dV.append(reg[1]) self.dD.append(reg[0]) self.relia_H.append(rel[2]) self.relia_V.append(rel[1]) self.relia_D.append(rel[0])
[docs] def _project_tile(self, tile): """ Perform maximum intensity projection of the tile in the overlap area (+ predefined margin). For each tile a dictionnary ´tile´ is created and the ´['zy', 'zx', 'yx']´ projections are save as a list in the dictionnary where the key corresponds to the edge location ´['north', 'south', 'east', 'west']´. Parameters ---------- tile: tileLoader tile object Returns ------- None """ proj = {} if tile.col + 1 < self.ncol: # check if projs allready exist: compute = False for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): path_to_check = os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, 'ch{}'.format(, '{}_{}_east_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)) if not os.path.exists(path_to_check): compute = True if compute: if not tile.is_loaded: tile.load_tile() # EAST 1 patch = pyapr.ReconPatch() patch.y_begin = self.frame_size - self.overlap_h if self.z_begin is None: proj['east'] = _get_max_proj_apr(tile.apr,, patch, plot=False) else: patch_yx = pyapr.ReconPatch() patch_yx.y_begin = self.frame_size - self.overlap_h patch_yx.z_begin = self.z_begin patch_yx.z_end = self.z_end proj['east'] = _get_max_proj_apr(tile.apr,, patch=patch, patch_yx=patch_yx, plot=False) for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']):, 'ch{}'.format(, '{}_{}_east_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)), proj['east'][i]) else: proj['east'] = [] for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): proj['east'].append(np.load(os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, 'ch{}'.format(, '{}_{}_east_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)))) if tile.col - 1 >= 0: # check if projs allready exist: compute = False for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): path_to_check = os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, 'ch{}'.format(, '{}_{}_west_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)) if not os.path.exists(path_to_check): compute = True if compute: if not tile.is_loaded: tile.load_tile() # EAST 2 patch = pyapr.ReconPatch() patch.y_end = self.overlap_h if self.z_begin is None: proj['west'] = _get_max_proj_apr(tile.apr,, patch, plot=False) else: patch_yx = pyapr.ReconPatch() patch_yx.y_end = self.overlap_h patch_yx.z_begin = self.z_begin patch_yx.z_end = self.z_end proj['west'] = _get_max_proj_apr(tile.apr,, patch=patch, patch_yx=patch_yx, plot=False) for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']):, 'ch{}'.format(, '{}_{}_west_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)), proj['west'][i]) else: proj['west'] = [] for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): proj['west'].append(np.load(os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, 'ch{}'.format(, '{}_{}_west_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)))) if tile.row + 1 < self.nrow: # check if projs allready exist: compute = False for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): path_to_check = os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, 'ch{}'.format(, '{}_{}_south_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)) if not os.path.exists(path_to_check): compute = True if compute: if not tile.is_loaded: tile.load_tile() # SOUTH 1 patch = pyapr.ReconPatch() patch.x_begin = self.frame_size - self.overlap_v if self.z_begin is None: proj['south'] = _get_max_proj_apr(tile.apr,, patch, plot=False) else: patch_yx = pyapr.ReconPatch() patch_yx.x_begin = self.frame_size - self.overlap_v patch_yx.z_begin = self.z_begin patch_yx.z_end = self.z_end proj['south'] = _get_max_proj_apr(tile.apr,, patch=patch, patch_yx=patch_yx, plot=False) for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']):, 'ch{}'.format(, '{}_{}_south_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)), proj['south'][i]) else: proj['south'] = [] for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): proj['south'].append(np.load(os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, 'ch{}'.format(, '{}_{}_south_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)))) if tile.row - 1 >= 0: # check if projs allready exist: compute = False for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): path_to_check = os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, 'ch{}'.format(, '{}_{}_north_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)) if not os.path.exists(path_to_check): compute = True if compute: if not tile.is_loaded: tile.load_tile() # SOUTH 2 patch = pyapr.ReconPatch() patch.x_end = self.overlap_v if self.z_begin is None: proj['north'] = _get_max_proj_apr(tile.apr,, patch, plot=False) else: patch_yx = pyapr.ReconPatch() patch_yx.x_end = self.overlap_v patch_yx.z_begin = self.z_begin patch_yx.z_end = self.z_end proj['north'] = _get_max_proj_apr(tile.apr,, patch=patch, patch_yx=patch_yx, plot=False) for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']):, 'ch{}'.format(, '{}_{}_north_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)), proj['north'][i]) else: proj['north'] = [] for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): proj['north'].append(np.load(os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, 'ch{}'.format(, '{}_{}_north_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)))) self.projs[tile.row, tile.col] = proj
[docs] def _check_conversion(self, tile): """ Checks that conversion is ok, if not it should keep the original data. Parameters ---------- tile: tileLoader tile object to try if conversion worked as expected using facy metrics. Returns ------- None """ conversion_ok = False # TODO: implement a way to check if conversion is ok. if conversion_ok: tile._erase_from_disk()
[docs] def _convert_to_apr(self, tile): """ Convert the given tile to APR. Parameters ---------- tile: tileLoader tile object to be converted to APR. Returns ------- None """ apr = pyapr.APR() parts = pyapr.ShortParticles() self.converter.get_apr(apr, parts.sample_image(apr, if self.compression: parts.set_compression_type(1) parts.set_quantization_factor(self.quantization_factor) parts.set_background( if self.lazy_loading: tree_parts = pyapr.tree.fill_tree_mean(apr, parts) else: tree_parts = None # Save converted data filename = '{}_{}.apr'.format(tile.row, tile.col), 'ch{}'.format(, filename), apr, parts, tree_parts=tree_parts) tile.apr = apr = parts
[docs] def _regularize(self, reg, rel): """ Remove too large displacement and replace them with expected one with a large uncertainty. Parameters ---------- reg: array_like list of registration (displacement) parameters rel: array_like list of reliability parameters corresponding to each displacement. Returns ------- (reg, rel): (array_like, array_like) Updated lists after regularization. """ if np.abs(reg[2] - (self.overlap_h - self.expected_overlap_h)) > self.reg_x: reg[2] = (self.overlap_h - self.expected_overlap_h) rel[2] = 2 if np.abs(reg[1] - (self.overlap_v - self.expected_overlap_v)) > self.reg_y: reg[1] = (self.overlap_v - self.expected_overlap_v) rel[1] = 2 if np.abs(reg[0]) > self.reg_z: reg[0] = 0 rel[0] = 2 return reg, rel
[docs] def _print_info(self): """ Display stitching result information. Returns ------- None """ overlap = np.median(np.diff(np.median(self.registration_map_abs[0], axis=0))) self.effective_overlap_h = (self.frame_size-overlap)/self.frame_size*100 print('Effective horizontal overlap: {:0.2f}%'.format(self.effective_overlap_h)) overlap = np.median(np.diff(np.median(self.registration_map_abs[1], axis=1))) self.effective_overlap_v = (self.frame_size-overlap)/self.frame_size*100 print('Effective vertical overlap: {:0.2f}%'.format(self.effective_overlap_v)) if np.abs(self.effective_overlap_v*self.frame_size/100-self.expected_overlap_v)>0.2*self.expected_overlap_v: warnings.warn('Expected vertical overlap is very different from the computed one, the registration ' 'might be wrong.') if np.abs(self.effective_overlap_h*self.frame_size/100-self.expected_overlap_h)>0.2*self.expected_overlap_h: warnings.warn('Expected horizontal overlap is very different from the computed one, the registration ' 'might be wrong.')
[docs] def _build_sparse_graphs(self): """ Build the sparse graph from the reliability and (row, col). This method needs to be called after the pair-wise registration has been performed for all neighbors pair. Returns ------- None """ csr_matrix_size = self.ncol*self.nrow self.graph_relia_H = csr_matrix((self.relia_H, (self.cgraph_from, self.cgraph_to)), shape=(csr_matrix_size, csr_matrix_size)) self.graph_relia_V = csr_matrix((self.relia_V, (self.cgraph_from, self.cgraph_to)), shape=(csr_matrix_size, csr_matrix_size)) self.graph_relia_D = csr_matrix((self.relia_D, (self.cgraph_from, self.cgraph_to)), shape=(csr_matrix_size, csr_matrix_size))
[docs] def _optimize_sparse_graphs(self): """ Optimize the sparse graph by computing the minimum spanning tree for each direction (H, D, V). This method needs to be called after the sparse graphs have been built. Returns ------- None """ if self.graph_relia_H is None: raise TypeError('Error: sparse graph not build yet, please use build_sparse_graph() before trying to' 'perform the optimization.') for g in ['graph_relia_H', 'graph_relia_V', 'graph_relia_D']: graph = getattr(self, g) # Minimum spanning tree min_tree = minimum_spanning_tree(graph) # Get the "true" neighbors min_tree = min_tree.tocoo() setattr(self, 'min_tree_' + g[-1], min_tree) ctree_from = min_tree.row setattr(self, 'ctree_from_' + g[-1], ctree_from) ctree_to = min_tree.col setattr(self, 'ctree_to_' + g[-1], ctree_to)
[docs] def _produce_registration_map(self): """ Produce the registration map where reg_rel_map[d, row, col] (d = H,V,D) is the relative tile position in pixel from the expected one. This method needs to be called after the optimization has been done. Returns ------- None """ if self.min_tree_H is None: raise TypeError('Error: minimum spanning tree not computed yet, please use optimize_sparse_graph()' 'before trying to compute the registration map.') # Relative registration # Initialize relative registration map reg_rel_map = np.zeros((3, self.nrow, self.ncol)) # H, V, D for i, min_tree in enumerate(['min_tree_H', 'min_tree_V', 'min_tree_D']): # Fill it by following the tree and getting the corresponding registration parameters node_array = depth_first_order(getattr(self, min_tree), i_start=self.cgraph_from[0], directed=False, return_predecessors=False) node_visited = [node_array[0]] tree = getattr(self, min_tree) row = tree.row col = tree.col for node_to in zip(node_array[1:]): # The previous node in the MST is a visited node with an edge to the current node neighbors = [] for r, c in zip(row, col): if r == node_to: neighbors.append(c) if c == node_to: neighbors.append(r) node_from = [x for x in neighbors if x in node_visited] node_visited.append(node_to) # Get the previous neighbor local reg parameter ind1, ind2 = np.unravel_index(node_from, shape=(self.nrow, self.ncol)) d_neighbor = reg_rel_map[i, ind1, ind2] # Get the current 2D tile position ind1, ind2 = np.unravel_index(node_to, shape=(self.nrow, self.ncol)) # Get the associated ind position in the registration graph (as opposed to the reliability min_tree) ind_graph = self._get_ind(node_from, node_to) # Get the corresponding reg parameter d = getattr(self, 'd' + min_tree[-1])[ind_graph] # Get the corresponding relia and print a warning if it was regularized: relia = getattr(self, 'relia_' + min_tree[-1])[ind_graph] if relia == 2: print('Aberrant pair-wise registration remaining after global optimization between tile ({},{}) ' 'and tile ({},{})'.format(*np.unravel_index(node_from, shape=(self.nrow, self.ncol)), *np.unravel_index(node_to, shape=(self.nrow, self.ncol)))) # Update the local reg parameter in the 2D matrix if node_to > node_from[0]: reg_rel_map[i, ind1, ind2] = d_neighbor + d else: reg_rel_map[i, ind1, ind2] = d_neighbor - d self.registration_map_rel = reg_rel_map reg_abs_map = np.zeros_like(reg_rel_map) # H for x in range(reg_abs_map.shape[2]): reg_abs_map[0, :, x] = reg_rel_map[0, :, x] + x * (self.frame_size-self.overlap_h) # V for x in range(reg_abs_map.shape[1]): reg_abs_map[1, x, :] = reg_rel_map[1, x, :] + x * (self.frame_size-self.overlap_v) # D reg_abs_map[2] = reg_rel_map[2] self.registration_map_abs = reg_abs_map return reg_rel_map, reg_abs_map
[docs] def _build_database(self): """ Build the database for storing the registration parameters. This method needs to be called after the registration map has been produced. Returns ------- None """ if self.registration_map_rel is None: raise TypeError('Error: database can''t be build if the registration map has not been computed.' ' Please use produce_registration_map() method first.') database_dict = {} for i in range(self.n_tiles): row = self.rows[i] col = self.cols[i] database_dict[i] = {'path': self.paths_apr[i], 'row': row, 'col': col, 'dH': self.registration_map_rel[0, row, col], 'dV': self.registration_map_rel[1, row, col], 'dD': self.registration_map_rel[2, row, col], 'ABS_H': self.registration_map_abs[0, row, col], 'ABS_V': self.registration_map_abs[1, row, col], 'ABS_D': self.registration_map_abs[2, row, col]} self.database = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(database_dict, orient='index') # Finally set the origin so that tile on the edge have coordinate 0 (rather than negative): for i, d in enumerate(['ABS_D', 'ABS_V', 'ABS_H']): self.database[d] = self.database[d] - self.database[d].min()
[docs] def _get_ind(self, ind_from, ind_to): """ Returns the ind in the original graph which corresponds to (ind_from, ind_to) in the minimum spanning tree. Parameters ---------- ind_from: int starting node in the directed graph ind_to: int ending node in the directed graph Returns ---------- ind: int corresponding ind in the original graph """ ind = None for i, f in enumerate(self.cgraph_from): if f == ind_from: if self.cgraph_to[i] == ind_to: ind = i if ind is None: for i, f in enumerate(self.cgraph_to): if f == ind_from: if self.cgraph_from[i] == ind_to: ind = i if ind is None: raise ValueError('Error: can''t find matching vertex pair.') return ind
[docs] def _process_RGB_for_display(self, u): """ Process RGB data for correctly displaying it. Parameters ---------- u: ndarray RGB data Returns ------- data_to_display: ndarray RGB data displayable with correct contrast and colors. """ data_to_display = np.zeros_like(u, dtype='uint8') for i in range(2): tmp = np.log(u[:, :, i] + 200) vmin, vmax = np.percentile(tmp[tmp > np.log(1 + 200)], (1, 99.9)) data_to_display[:, :, i] = rescale_intensity(tmp, in_range=(vmin, vmax), out_range='uint8') return data_to_display
[docs] def plot_stitching_info(self): """ Plot pair-wise registration error for each axis [H, V, D]. Returns ------- None """ if self.min_tree_H is None: raise TypeError('Error: minimum spanning tree not computed yet, please use optimize_sparse_graph()' 'before trying to plot stitching info.') rel_map = np.zeros((3, self.nrow, self.ncol)) for i, d in enumerate(['H', 'V', 'D']): ind_from = getattr(self, 'ctree_from_' + d) ind_to = getattr(self, 'ctree_to_' + d) graph = getattr(self, 'graph_relia_' + d) rows, cols = np.unravel_index(ind_to, shape=(self.nrow, self.ncol)) for row, col, i1, i2 in zip(rows, cols, ind_from, ind_to): rel = graph[i1, i2] rel_map[i, row, col] = np.max((rel_map[i, row, col], rel)) rows, cols = np.unravel_index(ind_from, shape=(self.nrow, self.ncol)) for row, col, i1, i2 in zip(rows, cols, ind_from, ind_to): rel = graph[i1, i2] rel_map[i, row, col] = np.max((rel_map[i, row, col], rel)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, sharex=True, sharey=True) for i, d in enumerate(['H', 'V', 'D']): h = ax[i].imshow(rel_map[i], cmap='turbo', vmin=0, vmax=2) ax[i].set_title('Registration {}'.format(d)) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax[i]) cax = divider.append_axes('right', size='5%', pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(h, cax=cax, label='Estimated error [a.u.]') plt.figure() plt.imshow(np.mean(rel_map, axis=0), cmap='turbo') plt.colorbar(label='Total stimated error [a.u.]') if self.graph_relia_H is None: raise TypeError('Error: graph not build yet, please use build_sparse_graph()' 'before trying to plot the graph.') fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3) for i, d in enumerate(['H', 'V', 'D']): ind_from = getattr(self, 'cgraph_from') row, col = np.unravel_index(ind_from, shape=(self.nrow, self.ncol)) V1 = np.vstack((row, col)).T+0.25 ind_to = getattr(self, 'cgraph_to') row, col = np.unravel_index(ind_to, shape=(self.nrow, self.ncol)) V2 = np.vstack((row, col)).T+0.25 for ii in range(V1.shape[0]): ax[i].plot([V1[ii, 1], V2[ii, 1]], [V1[ii, 0], V2[ii, 0]], 'ko', markerfacecolor='r') ax[i].set_title(d + ' tree') ax[i].invert_yaxis() ind_from = getattr(self, 'ctree_from_' + d) row, col = np.unravel_index(ind_from, shape=(self.nrow, self.ncol)) V1 = np.vstack((row, col)).T+0.25 ind_to = getattr(self, 'ctree_to_' + d) row, col = np.unravel_index(ind_to, shape=(self.nrow, self.ncol)) V2 = np.vstack((row, col)).T+0.25 dX = getattr(self, 'd' + d) for ii in range(V1.shape[0]): ax[i].plot([V1[ii, 1], V2[ii, 1]], [V1[ii, 0], V2[ii, 0]], 'ko-', markerfacecolor='r', linewidth=2) p1 = ax[i].transData.transform_point([V1[ii, 1], V1[ii, 0]]) p2 = ax[i].transData.transform_point([V2[ii, 1], V2[ii, 0]]) dy = p2[1] - p1[1] dx = p2[0] - p1[0] rot = np.degrees(np.arctan2(dy, dx)) ax[i].annotate(text='{:.2f}'.format(dX[self._get_ind(ind_from[ii], ind_to[ii])]), xy=((V1[ii, 1] + V2[ii, 1]) / 2, (V1[ii, 0] + V2[ii, 0]) / 2), ha='center', va='center', fontsize=8, rotation=rot, backgroundcolor='w', color='r') sns.heatmap(self.registration_map_abs[i], annot=True, fmt='4.0f', ax=ax[i], cbar=False)
# class colmRunningPipeline(): # # def __init__(self, path, n_channels, output_path=None): # """ # Constructor for the clearscopeRunningPipeline. # # Parameters # ---------- # path: str # Path of the acquisition. It has to be the acquisition folder (root of /0001/ folder). # n_channels: int # Number of channels that will be acquired. This will be parsed/guessed in the future. # """ # # # runningPipeline attributes # self.path = os.path.join(path, 'VW0') # self.folder_settings, self.name_acq = os.path.split(path) # if output_path is None: # self.output_path = self.path # else: # self.output_path = output_path # self.frame_size = 2048 # self.n_channels = n_channels # self.tile_processed = 0 # self.type = 'colm' # self.current_tile = 1 # self.current_channel = 0 # # # Parsing acquisition parameters # self.acq_param = None # self.nrow = None # self.ncol = None # self.n_planes = None # self.overlap_v = None # self.overlap_h = None # self._parse_acquisition_settings() # self.n_tiles = self.nrow * self.ncol # self.projs = np.empty((self.nrow, self.ncol), dtype=object) # # # Converter attributes # self.converter = None # self.lazy_loading = None # self.compression = False # = None # self.quantization_factor = None # self.folder_apr = None # # # Stitcher attributes # self.stitcher = None # self.n_vertex = None # self.folder_max_projs = None # # self.mask = False # self.threshold = None # # self.segment = False # self.segmenter = None # # self.reg_x = int(self.frame_size * 0.05) # self.reg_y = int(self.frame_size * 0.05) # self.reg_z = 20 # # self.z_begin = None # self.z_end = None # # self.cgraph_from = [] # self.cgraph_to = [] # self.relia_H = [] # self.relia_V = [] # self.relia_D = [] # self.dH = [] # self.dV = [] # self.dD = [] # # # Attributes below are set when the corresponding method are called. # self.registration_map_rel = None # self.registration_map_abs = None # self.ctree_from_H = None # self.ctree_from_V = None # self.ctree_from_D = None # self.ctree_to_H = None # self.ctree_to_V = None # self.ctree_to_D = None # self.min_tree_H = None # self.min_tree_V = None # self.min_tree_D = None # self.graph_relia_H = None # self.graph_relia_V = None # self.graph_relia_D = None # self.database = None # # def run(self): # """ # Start the running pipeline. It is basically a loop waiting for each tile to be saved at the specified path. # # Returns # ------- # None # """ # # while self.tile_processed < self.n_tiles: # # is_available, tile = self._is_new_tile_available() # # if is_available: # # print('\nNew tile available: {}\nrow: {}\ncol {}\nchannel {}'.format(tile.path, # tile.row, # tile.col, # # # # We check if the APR file is already available (e.g. something crashed and we restart the pipeline) # apr, parts = self._check_for_apr_file(tile) # if apr is None: # tile.load_tile() # # # Convert tile # if self.converter is not None: # self._convert_to_apr(tile) # self._check_conversion(tile) # else: # tile.apr = apr # = parts # # if self.stitcher is True: # self._pre_stitch(tile) # # self._update_next_tile() # # self.tile_processed += 1 # else: # sleep(1) # # if self.stitcher: # self._build_sparse_graphs() # self._optimize_sparse_graphs() # _, _ = self._produce_registration_map() # self._build_database() # self._print_info() # # def activate_conversion(self, # Ip_th=108, # rel_error=0.2, # gradient_smoothing=2, # dx=1, # dy=1, # dz=1, # lazy_loading=True): # """ # Activate conversion for the running pipeline. # # Parameters # ---------- # Ip_th: int # Intensity threshold # rel_error: float in [0, 1[ # relative error bound # gradient_smoothing: (float) # B-Spline smoothing parameter (typically between 0 (no smoothing) and 10 (LOTS of smoothing) # dx: float # PSF size in x, used to compute the gradient # dy: float # PSF size in y, used to compute the gradient # dz: float # PSF size in z, used to compute the gradient # lazy_loading: bool # if lazy_loading is true then the converter save mean tree particle which are necessary for lazy loading of # the APR. It will require about 1/7 more storage. # # Returns # ------- # None # """ # # # Store parameters # self.lazy_loading = lazy_loading # # # Safely create folder to save apr data # for i in range(self.n_channels): # self.folder_apr = os.path.join(self.output_path, 'APR') # Path(os.path.join(self.folder_apr, 'ch{}'.format(i))).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # # # Set parameters # par = pyapr.APRParameters() # par.Ip_th = Ip_th # par.rel_error = rel_error # par.dx = dx # par.dy = dy # = dz # par.gradient_smoothing = gradient_smoothing # par.auto_parameters = True # # # Create converter object # self.converter = pyapr.converter.FloatConverter() # self.converter.set_parameters(par) # self.converter.verbose = True # # def set_compression(self, quantization_factor=1, bg=108): # """ # Activate B3D compression for saving tiles. # # Parameters # ---------- # quantization_factor: int # quantization factor: the higher, the more compressed (refer to B3D paper for more detail). # bg: int # background value: any value below this threshold will be set to the background value. This helps # save up space by having the same value for the background (refer to B3D paper for more details). # # Returns # ------- # None # """ # # self.compression = True # = bg # self.quantization_factor = quantization_factor # # def deactivate_compression(self): # """ # Deactivate B3D compression when saving particles. # # Returns # ------- # None # """ # # self.compression = False # = None # self.quantization_factor = None # # def activate_stitching(self, channel): # # self.stitcher = True # self.stitched_channel = channel # # # Safely create folder to save max projs # self.folder_max_projs = os.path.join(self.output_path, 'max_projs') # Path(os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, 'ch{}'.format(channel))).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # # def set_regularization(self, reg_x, reg_y, reg_z): # """ # Set the regularization for the stitching to prevent aberrant displacements. # # Parameters # ---------- # reg_x: int # if the horizontal displacement computed in the pairwise registration for any tile is greater than # reg_x (in pixel unit) then the expected displacement (from motor position) is taken. # reg_y: int # if the horizontal displacement computed in the pairwise registration for any tile is greater than # reg_z (in pixel unit) then the expected displacement (from motor position) is taken. # reg_z: int # if the horizontal displacement computed in the pairwise registration for any tile is greater than # reg_z (in pixel unit) then the expected displacement (from motor position) is taken. # # Returns # ------- # None # """ # # self.reg_x = reg_x # self.reg_y = reg_y # self.reg_z = reg_z # # def _check_for_apr_file(self, tile): # # apr_path = os.path.join(self.folder_apr, 'ch{}'.format(, # '{}_{}.apr'.format(tile.row, tile.col)) # if os.path.exists(apr_path): # apr, parts = # print('Tile {}_{}.apr already exists!'.format(tile.row, tile.col)) # return apr, parts # else: # return None, None # # def _parse_acquisition_settings(self): # """ # Function that parses the setting txt file created by cleascope software at the begining of the acquisition # and automatically extract the required parameters for the running pipeline to work. # # Returns # ------- # None # """ # # print('Waiting for Scanned Cells.txt file in {}'. # format(os.path.join(self.folder_settings, 'Scanned Cells.txt'.format(self.name_acq)))) # # files = glob(os.path.join(path, 'Scanned Cells.txt'), delimiter=',') # self.ncol = u.shape[1] # self.nrow = u.shape[0] # while files == []: # sleep(1) # files = glob(os.path.join(self.folder_settings, '{}_AcquireSettings.txt'.format(self.name_acq))) # # path = files[0] # print('File found: {}'.format(path)) # # with open(path) as f: # lines = f.readlines() # # self.acq_param = {} # for l in lines: # pattern_matched = re.match('^(\w*) = (.*)$', l) # if pattern_matched is not None: # if # self.acq_param[] = float( # elif == 'True': # self.acq_param[] = True # elif == 'False': # self.acq_param[] = False # else: # self.acq_param[] = # # self.nrow = int(self.acq_param['ScanGridY']) # self.ncol = int(self.acq_param['ScanGridY']) # self.n_planes = int(self.acq_param['StackDepths']) # # self.expected_overlap_v = self.acq_param['VSThrowAwayYBottom'] # self.expected_overlap_h = self.acq_param['VSThrowAwayXRight'] # # self.overlap_h = int(self.expected_overlap_h * 1.2) # if self.expected_overlap_h > self.frame_size: # self.expected_overlap_h = self.frame_size # self.overlap_v = int(self.expected_overlap_v * 1.2) # if self.expected_overlap_v > self.frame_size: # self.expected_overlap_v = self.frame_size # # print('\nAcquisition parameters:' # '\n- number of row: {}' # '\n- number of col: {}' # '\n- number of planes: {}' # '\n- number of channels: {}' # '\n- horizontal overlap: {:0.2f}%' # '\n- vertical overlap: {:0.2f}%' # .format(self.nrow, self.ncol, self.n_planes, self.n_channels, # self.expected_overlap_h / self.frame_size * 100, # self.expected_overlap_v / self.frame_size * 100)) # # def _is_new_tile_available(self): # """ # Checks if a new tile is available for processing. # # Returns # ------- # is_available: bool # True if a new tile is available, False otherwise # tile: tileLoader # tile object is available, None otherwise # """ # # expected_tile = os.path.join(self.path, '000000_{:06d}___{}c/'.format(self.current_tile, self.current_channel)) # path = glob(expected_tile) # # if path == []: # return False, None # elif len(path) == 1: # # Store current tile coordinate # files = glob(os.path.join(expected_tile, '*.tif')) # if len(files) < self.n_planes: # return False, None # else: # tile = self._get_tile(expected_tile) # # return True, tile # else: # raise TypeError('Error: multiple tiles were found.') # # def _get_row_col(self, path): # """ # Get ClearScope tile row and col position given the tile number. # # Parameters # ---------- # n: int # ClearScope tile number # # Returns # ------- # row: int # row number # col: int # col number # """ # # pattern_search = re.findall('\d{6}_(\d{6})___\dc', path) # # if pattern_search != []: # n = int(pattern_search[0]) # # col = np.absolute(np.mod(n - self.ncol - 1, 2 * self.ncol) - self.ncol + 0.5) + 0.5 # row = np.ceil(n / self.ncol) # # col = int(col - 1) # row = int(row - 1) # # return row, col # # def _get_channel(self, path): # # pattern_search = re.findall('\d{6}_\d{6}___(\d)c', path) # # if pattern_search != []: # return int(pattern_search[0]) # # def _update_next_tile(self): # """ # Update next tile coordinates given the expected pattern. # # Returns # ------- # None # """ # if self.current_channel == self.n_channels - 1: # self.current_tile += 1 # self.current_channel = 0 # else: # self.current_channel += 1 # # def _get_tile(self, path): # """ # Returns the tile at the given path. # # Parameters # ---------- # path: string # tile path # # Returns # ------- # tile: tileLoader # tile object # """ # # row, col = self._get_row_col(path) # channel = self._get_channel(path) # # # If row is even then neighbors are west and north # if row % 2 == 0: # # If first row then it is only west # if row == 0: # if col > 0: # neighbors = [[row, col - 1]] # else: # neighbors = None # # Else it is also north # else: # if col > 0: # neighbors = [[row, col - 1], [row - 1, col]] # # Except for first column it is only north # else: # neighbors = [[row - 1, col]] # # If row is odd then neighbors are north and east # else: # if col < self.ncol - 1: # neighbors = [[row - 1, col], [row, col + 1]] # # If last column then there is no east neighbor # else: # neighbors = [[row - 1, col]] # # return paprica.loader.tileLoader(path=path, # row=row, # col=col, # ftype=self.type, # neighbors=neighbors, # neighbors_tot=None, # neighbors_path=None, # frame_size=2048, # folder_root=self.path, # channel=channel) # # def _pre_stitch(self, tile): # # if == self.stitched_channel: # # Max project current tile on the overlaping area. # self._project_tile(tile) # # Compute pair-wise registration with existing neighbors # if tile.neighbors is not None: # self._register_tile(tile) # # def _register_tile(self, tile): # proj1 = self.projs[tile.row, tile.col] # # for coords in tile.neighbors: # proj2 = self.projs[coords[0], coords[1]] # # if tile.row == coords[0]: # if tile.col < coords[1]: # # EAST # if self.mask: # reg, rel = _get_masked_proj_shifts(proj1['east'], proj2['west'], threshold=self.threshold) # else: # reg, rel = _get_proj_shifts(proj1['east'], proj2['west']) # else: # # WEST # if self.mask: # reg, rel = _get_masked_proj_shifts(proj1['west'], proj2['east'], threshold=self.threshold) # else: # reg, rel = _get_proj_shifts(proj1['west'], proj2['east']) # # elif tile.col == coords[1]: # if tile.row < coords[0]: # # SOUTH # if self.mask: # reg, rel = _get_masked_proj_shifts(proj1['south'], proj2['north'], threshold=self.threshold) # else: # reg, rel = _get_proj_shifts(proj1['south'], proj2['north']) # else: # # NORTH # if self.mask: # reg, rel = _get_masked_proj_shifts(proj1['north'], proj2['south'], threshold=self.threshold) # else: # reg, rel = _get_proj_shifts(proj1['north'], proj2['south']) # # else: # raise TypeError('Error: couldn''t determine registration to perform.') # # self.cgraph_from.append(np.ravel_multi_index([tile.row, tile.col], # dims=(self.nrow, self.ncol))) # self.cgraph_to.append(np.ravel_multi_index([coords[0], coords[1]], # dims=(self.nrow, self.ncol))) # # # Regularize in case of aberrant displacements # reg, rel = self._regularize(reg, rel) # # # H=x, V=y, D=z # self.dH.append(reg[2]) # self.dV.append(reg[1]) # self.dD.append(reg[0]) # self.relia_H.append(rel[2]) # self.relia_V.append(rel[1]) # self.relia_D.append(rel[0]) # # def _project_tile(self, tile): # """ # Perform maximum intensity projection of the tile in the overlap area (+ predefined margin). For each tile # a dictionnary ´tile´ is created and the ´['zy', 'zx', 'yx']´ projections are save as a list in the dictionnary # where the key corresponds to the edge location ´['north', 'south', 'east', 'west']´. # # Parameters # ---------- # tile: tileLoader # tile object # # Returns # ------- # None # """ # # proj = {} # if tile.col + 1 < self.ncol: # # check if projs allready exist: # compute = False # for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): # path_to_check = os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, # 'ch{}'.format(, # '{}_{}_east_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)) # if not os.path.exists(path_to_check): # compute = True # # if compute: # if not tile.is_loaded: # tile.load_tile() # # # EAST 1 # patch = pyapr.ReconPatch() # patch.y_begin = self.frame_size - self.overlap_h # if self.z_begin is None: # proj['east'] = _get_max_proj_apr(tile.apr,, patch, plot=False) # else: # patch_yx = pyapr.ReconPatch() # patch_yx.y_begin = self.frame_size - self.overlap_h # patch_yx.z_begin = self.z_begin # patch_yx.z_end = self.z_end # proj['east'] = _get_max_proj_apr(tile.apr,, patch=patch, patch_yx=patch_yx, # plot=False) # for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): #, # 'ch{}'.format(, # '{}_{}_east_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)), proj['east'][i]) # else: # proj['east'] = [] # for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): # proj['east'].append(np.load(os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, # 'ch{}'.format(, # '{}_{}_east_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)))) # # if tile.col - 1 >= 0: # # check if projs allready exist: # compute = False # for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): # path_to_check = os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, # 'ch{}'.format(, # '{}_{}_west_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)) # if not os.path.exists(path_to_check): # compute = True # # if compute: # if not tile.is_loaded: # tile.load_tile() # # # EAST 2 # patch = pyapr.ReconPatch() # patch.y_end = self.overlap_h # if self.z_begin is None: # proj['west'] = _get_max_proj_apr(tile.apr,, patch, plot=False) # else: # patch_yx = pyapr.ReconPatch() # patch_yx.y_end = self.overlap_h # patch_yx.z_begin = self.z_begin # patch_yx.z_end = self.z_end # proj['west'] = _get_max_proj_apr(tile.apr,, patch=patch, patch_yx=patch_yx, # plot=False) # for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): #, # 'ch{}'.format(, # '{}_{}_west_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)), proj['west'][i]) # else: # proj['west'] = [] # for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): # proj['west'].append(np.load(os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, # 'ch{}'.format(, # '{}_{}_west_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)))) # if tile.row + 1 < self.nrow: # # check if projs allready exist: # compute = False # for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): # path_to_check = os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, # 'ch{}'.format(, # '{}_{}_south_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)) # if not os.path.exists(path_to_check): # compute = True # # if compute: # if not tile.is_loaded: # tile.load_tile() # # # SOUTH 1 # patch = pyapr.ReconPatch() # patch.x_begin = self.frame_size - self.overlap_v # if self.z_begin is None: # proj['south'] = _get_max_proj_apr(tile.apr,, patch, plot=False) # else: # patch_yx = pyapr.ReconPatch() # patch_yx.x_begin = self.frame_size - self.overlap_v # patch_yx.z_begin = self.z_begin # patch_yx.z_end = self.z_end # proj['south'] = _get_max_proj_apr(tile.apr,, patch=patch, patch_yx=patch_yx, # plot=False) # for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): #, # 'ch{}'.format(, # '{}_{}_south_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)), proj['south'][i]) # else: # proj['south'] = [] # for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): # proj['south'].append(np.load(os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, # 'ch{}'.format(, # '{}_{}_south_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)))) # if tile.row - 1 >= 0: # # check if projs allready exist: # compute = False # for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): # path_to_check = os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, # 'ch{}'.format(, # '{}_{}_north_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)) # if not os.path.exists(path_to_check): # compute = True # # if compute: # if not tile.is_loaded: # tile.load_tile() # # # SOUTH 2 # patch = pyapr.ReconPatch() # patch.x_end = self.overlap_v # if self.z_begin is None: # proj['north'] = _get_max_proj_apr(tile.apr,, patch, plot=False) # else: # patch_yx = pyapr.ReconPatch() # patch_yx.x_end = self.overlap_v # patch_yx.z_begin = self.z_begin # patch_yx.z_end = self.z_end # proj['north'] = _get_max_proj_apr(tile.apr,, patch=patch, patch_yx=patch_yx, # plot=False) # for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): #, # 'ch{}'.format(, # '{}_{}_north_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)), proj['north'][i]) # else: # proj['north'] = [] # for i, d in enumerate(['zy', 'zx', 'yx']): # proj['north'].append(np.load(os.path.join(self.folder_max_projs, # 'ch{}'.format(, # '{}_{}_north_{}.npy'.format(tile.row, tile.col, d)))) # # self.projs[tile.row, tile.col] = proj # # def _check_conversion(self, tile): # """ # Checks that conversion is ok, if not it should keep the original data. # # Parameters # ---------- # tile: tileLoader # tile object to try if conversion worked as expected using facy metrics. # # Returns # ------- # None # """ # # conversion_ok = False # # # TODO: implement a way to check if conversion is ok. # # if conversion_ok: # tile._erase_from_disk() # # def _convert_to_apr(self, tile): # """ # Convert the given tile to APR. # # Parameters # ---------- # tile: tileLoader # tile object to be converted to APR. # # Returns # ------- # None # """ # # apr = pyapr.APR() # parts = pyapr.ShortParticles() # self.converter.get_apr(apr, # parts.sample_image(apr, # # if self.compression: # parts.set_compression_type(1) # parts.set_quantization_factor(self.quantization_factor) # parts.set_background( # # if self.lazy_loading: # tree_parts = pyapr.tree.fill_tree_mean(apr, parts) # else: # tree_parts = None # # # Save converted data # filename = '{}_{}.apr'.format(tile.row, tile.col) #, 'ch{}'.format(, filename), # apr, parts, tree_parts=tree_parts) # # tile.apr = apr # = parts # # def _regularize(self, reg, rel): # """ # Remove too large displacement and replace them with expected one with a large uncertainty. # # """ # if np.abs(reg[2] - (self.overlap_h - self.expected_overlap_h)) > self.reg_x: # reg[2] = (self.overlap_h - self.expected_overlap_h) # rel[2] = 2 # if np.abs(reg[1] - (self.overlap_v - self.expected_overlap_v)) > self.reg_y: # reg[1] = (self.overlap_v - self.expected_overlap_v) # rel[1] = 2 # if np.abs(reg[0]) > self.reg_z: # reg[0] = 0 # rel[0] = 2 # # return reg, rel # # def _print_info(self): # """ # Display stitching result information. # # """ # overlap = np.median(np.diff(np.median(self.registration_map_abs[0], axis=0))) # self.effective_overlap_h = (self.frame_size - overlap) / self.frame_size * 100 # print('Effective horizontal overlap: {:0.2f}%'.format(self.effective_overlap_h)) # overlap = np.median(np.diff(np.median(self.registration_map_abs[1], axis=1))) # self.effective_overlap_v = (self.frame_size - overlap) / self.frame_size * 100 # print('Effective vertical overlap: {:0.2f}%'.format(self.effective_overlap_v)) # # if np.abs( # self.effective_overlap_v * self.frame_size / 100 - self.expected_overlap_v) > 0.2 * self.expected_overlap_v: # warnings.warn('Expected vertical overlap is very different from the computed one, the registration ' # 'might be wrong.') # if np.abs( # self.effective_overlap_h * self.frame_size / 100 - self.expected_overlap_h) > 0.2 * self.expected_overlap_h: # warnings.warn('Expected horizontal overlap is very different from the computed one, the registration ' # 'might be wrong.') # # def _build_sparse_graphs(self): # """ # Build the sparse graph from the reliability and (row, col). This method needs to be called after the # pair-wise registration has been performed for all neighbors pair. # # Returns # ------- # None # """ # # csr_matrix_size = self.ncol * self.nrow # self.graph_relia_H = csr_matrix((self.relia_H, (self.cgraph_from, self.cgraph_to)), # shape=(csr_matrix_size, csr_matrix_size)) # self.graph_relia_V = csr_matrix((self.relia_V, (self.cgraph_from, self.cgraph_to)), # shape=(csr_matrix_size, csr_matrix_size)) # self.graph_relia_D = csr_matrix((self.relia_D, (self.cgraph_from, self.cgraph_to)), # shape=(csr_matrix_size, csr_matrix_size)) # # def _optimize_sparse_graphs(self): # """ # Optimize the sparse graph by computing the minimum spanning tree for each direction (H, D, V). This # method needs to be called after the sparse graphs have been built. # # Returns # ------- # None # """ # # if self.graph_relia_H is None: # raise TypeError('Error: sparse graph not build yet, please use build_sparse_graph() before trying to' # 'perform the optimization.') # # for g in ['graph_relia_H', 'graph_relia_V', 'graph_relia_D']: # graph = getattr(self, g) # # Minimum spanning tree # min_tree = minimum_spanning_tree(graph) # # # Get the "true" neighbors # min_tree = min_tree.tocoo() # setattr(self, 'min_tree_' + g[-1], min_tree) # ctree_from = min_tree.row # setattr(self, 'ctree_from_' + g[-1], ctree_from) # # ctree_to = min_tree.col # setattr(self, 'ctree_to_' + g[-1], ctree_to) # # def _produce_registration_map(self): # """ # Produce the registration map where reg_rel_map[d, row, col] (d = H,V,D) is the relative tile # position in pixel from the expected one. This method needs to be called after the optimization has been done. # # Returns # ------- # None # """ # # if self.min_tree_H is None: # raise TypeError('Error: minimum spanning tree not computed yet, please use optimize_sparse_graph()' # 'before trying to compute the registration map.') # # # Relative registration # # Initialize relative registration map # reg_rel_map = np.zeros((3, self.nrow, self.ncol)) # H, V, D # # for i, min_tree in enumerate(['min_tree_H', 'min_tree_V', 'min_tree_D']): # # Fill it by following the tree and getting the corresponding registration parameters # node_array = depth_first_order(getattr(self, min_tree), i_start=self.cgraph_from[0], # directed=False, return_predecessors=False) # # node_visited = [node_array[0]] # # tree = getattr(self, min_tree) # row = tree.row # col = tree.col # # for node_to in zip(node_array[1:]): # # The previous node in the MST is a visited node with an edge to the current node # neighbors = [] # for r, c in zip(row, col): # if r == node_to: # neighbors.append(c) # if c == node_to: # neighbors.append(r) # node_from = [x for x in neighbors if x in node_visited] # node_visited.append(node_to) # # # Get the previous neighbor local reg parameter # ind1, ind2 = np.unravel_index(node_from, shape=(self.nrow, self.ncol)) # d_neighbor = reg_rel_map[i, ind1, ind2] # # # Get the current 2D tile position # ind1, ind2 = np.unravel_index(node_to, shape=(self.nrow, self.ncol)) # # Get the associated ind position in the registration graph (as opposed to the reliability min_tree) # ind_graph = self._get_ind(node_from, node_to) # # Get the corresponding reg parameter # d = getattr(self, 'd' + min_tree[-1])[ind_graph] # # Get the corresponding relia and print a warning if it was regularized: # relia = getattr(self, 'relia_' + min_tree[-1])[ind_graph] # if relia == 2: # print('Aberrant pair-wise registration remaining after global optimization between tile ({},{}) ' # 'and tile ({},{})'.format(*np.unravel_index(node_from, shape=(self.nrow, self.ncol)), # *np.unravel_index(node_to, shape=(self.nrow, self.ncol)))) # # Update the local reg parameter in the 2D matrix # if node_to > node_from[0]: # reg_rel_map[i, ind1, ind2] = d_neighbor + d # else: # reg_rel_map[i, ind1, ind2] = d_neighbor - d # self.registration_map_rel = reg_rel_map # # reg_abs_map = np.zeros_like(reg_rel_map) # # H # for x in range(reg_abs_map.shape[2]): # reg_abs_map[0, :, x] = reg_rel_map[0, :, x] + x * (self.frame_size - self.overlap_h) # # V # for x in range(reg_abs_map.shape[1]): # reg_abs_map[1, x, :] = reg_rel_map[1, x, :] + x * (self.frame_size - self.overlap_v) # # D # reg_abs_map[2] = reg_rel_map[2] # self.registration_map_abs = reg_abs_map # # return reg_rel_map, reg_abs_map # # def _build_database(self): # """ # Build the database for storing the registration parameters. This method needs to be called after # the registration map has been produced. # # Returns # ------- # None # """ # # if self.registration_map_rel is None: # raise TypeError('Error: database can''t be build if the registration map has not been computed.' # ' Please use produce_registration_map() method first.') # # database_dict = {} # for i in range(self.n_vertex): # row = self.tiles[i].row # col = self.tiles[i].col # database_dict[i] = {'path': self.tiles[i].path, # 'row': row, # 'col': col, # 'dH': self.registration_map_rel[0, row, col], # 'dV': self.registration_map_rel[1, row, col], # 'dD': self.registration_map_rel[2, row, col], # 'ABS_H': self.registration_map_abs[0, row, col], # 'ABS_V': self.registration_map_abs[1, row, col], # 'ABS_D': self.registration_map_abs[2, row, col]} # # self.database = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(database_dict, orient='index') # # # Finally set the origin so that tile on the edge have coordinate 0 (rather than negative): # for i, d in enumerate(['ABS_D', 'ABS_V', 'ABS_H']): # self.database[d] = self.database[d] - self.database[d].min() # # def _get_ind(self, ind_from, ind_to): # """ # Returns the ind in the original graph which corresponds to (ind_from, ind_to) in the minimum spanning tree. # # Parameters # ---------- # ind_from: int # starting node in the directed graph # ind_to: int # ending node in the directed graph # # Returns # ---------- # ind: int # corresponding ind in the original graph # """ # ind = None # for i, f in enumerate(self.cgraph_from): # if f == ind_from: # if self.cgraph_to[i] == ind_to: # ind = i # if ind is None: # for i, f in enumerate(self.cgraph_to): # if f == ind_from: # if self.cgraph_from[i] == ind_to: # ind = i # if ind is None: # raise ValueError('Error: can''t find matching vertex pair.') # return ind